18 Random Dad Thoughts
I have no fancy intro. This is contrary to every English class you've ever taken. I'm just listing random thoughts that have recently come to my head: 1. Dad bod sucks and is real. 2. One of the suckiest things about dad bods is when your clothes don't fit as well and you're too cheap to buy new stuff. This especially applies to slim-fit and tighter-fitting shirts that were once fashionable but now just make you look like a fat guy in little coat. All your clothes now remind you of how much weight you've gained. Obviously this is nothing compared to mom's wardrobes with maternity clothes and postpartum outfits and etc. The problem is for dads, we have no biological excuse for the weight gain. We're just fat. 3. Pre-solid baby poop does smell. Many parents will tell you that your baby's poop before eating solids doesn't smell that bad. That's bullshit. No one's confusing that scent for new car smell. 4. That said - post-solid...